So, consider the rules of the game of volleyball. The game is played on a rectangular area measuring 18×9 meters. The volleyball court is divided in the middle by a net. The height of the net for men is 2.43 m, for women – 2.24 m. The game is played with a spherical ball with a circumference of 65-67 cm, weighing 260-280 g.
Each of the two teams can have up to 14 players, and 6 players can be on the field at any given time. The goal of the game is to hit the ball to the floor with an attacking blow, that is, to the playing surface of the court of the opponent’s half, or to make him make a mistake. The game begins by putting the ball into play by serving according to the lot.
After the ball is put into play by a serve and a successful rally, the serve goes to the team that won the point. The site is conditionally divided into 6 zones according to the number of players. After each transition, the right to serve passes from one team to another as a result of a point draw, the players move to the next zone in a clockwise direction.
It is made from the service zone, which is located behind the back line of the playing court. The player who serves cannot touch the playing court with any part of the body. This is especially true for jump serves. In flight, the ball may touch the net, but it must not touch the antennas or their mental continuation upwards. If the serving player violated the rules or threw the ball out of the playing area (out), then the point is counted to the receiving team. If the ball touches the opponent’s field, then the point is given to the serving team. In a row, the second serve is carried out by the same player, there is no transition.
Any player can take the pitch, but most often the hit falls on the players standing on the back line. Players of the receiving team may throw the ball to each other, but after three touches the ball must be in the opponent’s court. You can also receive the ball with any part of the body, but it is not permissible to hold it.
A standard example of an attack looks like this: the ball is received by the back row player (touch 1), brought to the setter (touch 2), in turn he passes the ball to the attacking player (touch 3). On an attack hit, the ball must fly within the two antennas and over the net. Front line players can attack from anywhere. And the back row players must be behind a special three-meter line. It is forbidden to hit the ball above the line of the top edge of the net, only the libero. There are different types of attacking blows: direct (on the go) and side, blows with translation to the right or left and deceptive blows (discounts).
A play in which the defending team prevents the ball from being transferred to their own side by blocking its movement with any part of the body, usually with the hands transferred to the opponent’s side within the rules. That is, when blocking, the hands should not interfere with the opponent before his attack or other game action. Only front row players are allowed to block. They can do it with one touch or several. Touching a block does not count as one of the three touches.
Players who cannot participate in the serve are in the block and serve, so he is on the back line, changing position with players who are beneficial to keep on the front line, for example, with a central blocker. The Libero can be replaced an unlimited number of times without informing the referee. The uniform of the libero is different from that of the other players on the team.
The game continues up to 25 points, the time of the game is not limited, and if the difference in points between the opponents does not reach 2, the game will continue until this happens. The winners are those who win three games. In the fifth game (tie break) the score goes up to 15 points. In each set, the coach may ask for two time-outs of 30 seconds. In the first 4 games, technical timeouts of 60 seconds are additionally assigned when one of the teams scores 8 and 16 points. After four games, as well as when one of the teams reaches 8 points in the fifth game, the teams change sides of the court. The coach has the right to make 6 substitutions in each set, except for the libero.
The most common errors of the players and the coach are listed below.
When applying
— The player stepped foot on the court space.
— The player tossed and caught the ball.
– After 8 seconds after the whistle of the referee, the ball is transferred to the opposing team.
– Touching the antenna with the ball.
– He served before the whistle of the referee.
When drawing
– Made more than three touches.
– Touching the top edge of the net by a player performing an active game action.
– Spacing by the player of the back line of the three-meter line during the attack.
– Mistake on reception: double touch or holding the ball.
– Touching the antenna with the ball on impact.
– Spade on the playing half of the enemy.
– Violation of alignment.
– Unsportsmanlike behavior of one of the players or the coach.
– Touching the top edge of the grid.
At the XXXI FIVB Congress in Dubai, changes in the rules were approved, which came into force from the 2009 season. Now the team’s application in official international meetings is 14 players, 2 of which are liberos. Also, the interpretation of the errors “touching the net” and “fouling” on the playing half of the opponent has been changed, the definition of blocking has been clarified, and procedural changes have been made regarding the functions of the referees and the procedure for substitutions.